
Research at RCM

The activities at RCM focus on applied research in the area of schools, public administration and society. The projects are conducted on behalf of the federal government and are designed to develop foundational knowledge or provide a basis for decisions. In addition, synthesis reports on the current state of research in selected fields are prepared. RCM projects are often conducted in collaboration with research partners from all language regions in Switzerland.

This web page provides an overview of all RCM research projects, which can be searched using keywords or the names of participating researchers.

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How much longer until a B2?

Linguistic and individual factors influencing the speed of learning an official language
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The project “How much longer until a B2” investigates the time needed to attain a targeted level in a foreign language, with a specific focus on organisations associated with the Swiss federal government. These organisations generally require their staff in middle and senior management to have at least B2-level skills in two official languages.

The development of oral communication and interaction (conversational involvement) is a key focus in foreign language teaching frameworks, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), documents from the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), and the Regional Education Plans. However, despite the efforts made in this field, the desired outcomes remain elusive. Foreign language instruction, particularly in French, has traditionally...

Project management
All residents of Switzerland are required to interact with the administrative authorities through written correspondence, necessitating the development of a degree of "administrative literacy" which will often involve plurilingual communication. This research project focuses on the understanding and drafting of written correspondence with social security bodies such as the unemployment, disability, AVS, and family allowance services.

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Seit dem Beschluss der Schweizerischen Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK) im Jahr 2004, den Fremdsprachenunterricht auf die Primarstufe vorzuverlegen, wurde der Fremdsprachenunterricht in den Kantonen ab dem Schuljahr 2006/2007 sukzessive angepasst. Diese Neuregelung löste intensive und vielschichtige Debatten aus, die sich auf verschiedene Quellen wie wissenschaftliche Studien, Fachliteratur und Expertisen stützen. Es werden unterschiedliche Aspekte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts...

Family Language Policies e sviluppo del linguaggio in comunità poco servite

Il caso delle famiglie dell’Africa subsahariana in Svizzera
Le famiglie migranti sono chiamate a operare delle scelte sulla lingua o le lingue da utilizzare nella loro vita quotidiana. Negli ultimi decenni, queste decisioni sono state analizzate approfonditamente nel quadro degli studi sulla family language policy (FLP). Le prime ricerche si sono concentrate sulla pianificazione linguistica esplicita e manifesta in famiglie occidentali del ceto medio, un gruppo mirato considerato troppo elitistico.

Family language policies of Romansch-speaking families in German-speaking Switzerland

The role of “new speakers” and “child agency” in language transmission
This project builds on the foundational study “The diaspora rumantscha in German-speaking Switzerland”, which proposed further research in two areas: 1) the ways in which new speakers and parents with passive skills in Romansh influence family language policies and 2) how children and parent-child dynamics impact the languages spoken in a family and how fa

Family Language Policy im Transitionsraum

Mehrsprachige Kinder und ihre Familien im Übergang ins formale Bildungssystem
Project management
Das Projekt erforscht, in welchem Zusammenhang die Family Language Policy (FLP) und der Sprachgebrauch von Kindern stehen und wie sich sowohl der kindliche Sprachgebrauch als auch die FLP in der Übergangsphase ins formale Bildungssystem verändern. Es zielt darauf ab, die FLP mehrsprachiger Familien vor und nach dem Übergang ihres ältesten Kindes in den Kindergarten oder die Basisstufe anhand des Instruments Mehrsprachen-Kontext (Ritterfeld & Lüke 2013) zu untersuchen.


Marta Oliveira (FHNW)
Lea Hochuli-Schulthess (FHNW)

In der viersprachigen Schweiz ist der Unterricht von zwei Fremdsprachen ab der Primarstufe bis zum Ende der Sekundarstufe I obligatorisch. Die Schweizer Lehrpläne orientieren sich an einem mehrsprachigen Lehr-/Lernkonzept, welches das Transferpotenzial sprachenübergreifender Ressourcen nutzen soll. Die Umsetzung transferfördernder Massnahmen im Unterricht ist komplex, da es z. B. beim Transfer von Schreibstrategien zwischen den Sprachen grosse individuelle Unterschiede gibt und didaktische...

Il trattamento dell’errore nella lingua straniera

Un confronto tra pratiche di correzione di testi scritti in francese, inglese, italiano, romancio e tedesco nella scuola primaria
Project management
L’errore linguistico è comunemente definito, in glottodidattica, come un elemento discrepante rispetto a una norma data (ad es. regola grammaticale, ortografica, pragmatica). Il tema dell’errore genera molti dibattiti in ambito pedagogico; inoltre, nella ricerca, l’attenzione nei suoi confronti si è tradotta in numerosi studi sull’interlingua, sulla consapevolezza metalinguistica così come sull’efficacia della correzione sull’apprendimento linguistico.

Représentations, attitudes et motivations dans l’apprentissage des langues.

Analyse de l’administration fédérale suisse (RAMAL)
Project management
Le projet RAMAL étudie la diversité linguistique dans l’administration fédérale suisse (AF). Il porte sur le plurilinguisme des personnes au travers de leurs compétences individuelles ainsi que de la mise en œuvre de celles-ci dans leurs pratiques, mais il vise aussi à mieux comprendre le niveau collectif et à approfondir l’analyse du multilinguisme global de l’AF. Cette thématique présente un intérêt au plan tant scientifique que politique.

The placement of learners in literacy courses according to skill level is often faulty, and the resulting heterogeneity in such classes poses difficulties for both teachers and learners; in addition, the inefficient use of government funds earmarked for integration is also problematic.

International and Swiss studies alike have shown that early language promotion in the context of pre-school settings has a positive impact on a child’s scholastic success. In view of the current state of research and the various challenges facing professionals in early education, however, many questions remain unanswered and further research findings are needed. One question addresses the transition from the family to pre-school settings like day care centres.

Seit Jahren wird eine stärkere Verbindung zwischen dem Schulsprachen- und dem Fremdsprachenunterricht gefordert, um mögliche Synergien zu nutzen. Bisher ist der Sprachenunterricht jedoch nach wie vor weitgehend einzelsprachlich ausgerichtet. Im Projekt «SWIKO triple S» wird deshalb der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich vorhandene Einflüsse zwischen Schul- und Fremdsprachen positiv nutzen lassen. Das Projekt interessiert sich insbesondere für konzeptuelle Aspekte von Texten, genauer für...

Project management

Thomas Studer


(Santi Guerrero Calle research manager till August 2021)
(Romeo Wasmer research assistant till January 2022)

Comparatively little research has been conducted on how adult migrants – both those with low literacy skills (non-literates) and those who have competence in a non-Latin alphabet (non-roman alphabet literates) – acquire reading and writing skills, and scholarly findings on the subject are correspondingly sparse. This condition is all the more surprising as specialist discourse on the topic of “literacy levels in adults” has long revealed that traditional differentiations between so-called...

Project management

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Thomas Studer

When asked about their goals, students learning a foreign language generally say they want to speak the language. Despite the value placed on speaking, however, various studies on the foreign language competence of Swiss school students reveal that many learners have difficulty in meeting the learning outcomes set for spoken language (Peyer et al. 2016, Wiedenkeller/Lenz 2019).

Benefits of multilingualism for Switzerland

Individuals and society at large (APSIS)
Project management

Scientific partnership, regular consultation with: Federal Statistical Office (FSO); Institute for multilingualism (IOM)

Linguistic and cultural diversity is of particular importance to Switzerland and its residents, all the more because it is tightly bound with the long-term political, social and cultural history of the country. It is often referred to as an “asset” or even a “treasure”, with some going so far as to claim that it is essential to the very existence of the country.

Project management

(Eva Wiedenkeller and Katharina Karges till 2019)

SWIKO is a multilingual learner corpus describing learner language according to principles of corpus-linguistics. The corpus is an umbrella project developed during the 2016–2019 research period and being further developed in the 2021–2024 period. It incorporates data from other projects at the Research Centre on Multilingualism. SWIKO can currently be accessed via a request to the Institute of Multilingualism.

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Cédric Diogo (-06.2022)

Vocabulary is the basis for receptive and productive language use. Influential theories on second language acquisition and learning consider vocabulary and grammar to be complementary, rather than opposing elements of language. Vocabulary is viewed as an integral component of learner grammars that is worth promoting and consolidating in the foreign language classroom. In recent years, digitialisation has seen the development of many learning apps and platforms that provide new opportunities...

Project management

(Cédric Diogo -06.22)

Digital translation tools and dictionaries have become an indispensable part of language use. DeepL, Leo and Co. are used extensively and for various purposes, however, their benefits for foreign language teaching and learning remain contested. Some consider these tools to be of educational value, while others express their doubts on the sustainability of their contribution to language learning. This project examines the advantages and limitations of digital translation aids with regards...

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Didactic partnership: Centres de Formation Professionnelle de l'Etat de Fribourg (CD-CFP) 

The aim of the DiCoi project is on the one hand to produce teaching material from recordings of authentic conversations (spoken language corpora) and on the other hand to describe the longitudinal development of interaction skills (over 2 years) from recordings of free interactions. Spoken language corpora can be used as a resource for foreign language teaching with the aim of providing exposure to the authentically produced but contextualised target language.