
The development of oral communication and interaction (conversational involvement) is a key focus in foreign language teaching frameworks, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), documents from the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), and the Regional Education Plans. However, despite the efforts made in this field, the desired outcomes remain elusive. Foreign language instruction, particularly in French, has traditionally...

The placement of learners in literacy courses according to skill level is often faulty, and the resulting heterogeneity in such classes poses difficulties for both teachers and learners; in addition, the inefficient use of government funds earmarked for integration is also problematic.

Lichtenauer Karine


In Vorb. Coordination de séquences didactiques pour le projet SMILE sur la base de travaux d’étudiant-es 

2024. « Pavillon Le Corbusier », In Babylonia SMILE

2024. Lichtenauer, K. & Anita Thomas. « Corpus d’apprenant-es : un « basquette » de ressources pour l’enseignement des langues étrangères / Learners Corpora : a « basquette » of Ressources for Foreign Language Teaching » ». In Babylonia 2/24, 8 – 13. 

2023. Loder Büchel, L. & K. Lichtenauer. « Another day, another museum ». In Babylonia 2/23, 8 – 9. 

2023. Loder Büchel, L. & Lichtenauer, K. « General Considerations for Foreign Language Instruction with Museum Visits ». In Babylonia 2/23, 72 – 79. 

2022.  Lichtenauer, K., & Laura Loder Büchel. « Visiting a museum : des points communs aux points de rencontre » », avec Laura Loder Büchel. In Babylonia 3/22, 8-10.

2021. « Marthe Gosteli », In Teaching Tasters 2021/1 (

2021. « Des mots pernicieux aux formules mernicieuses. Pratiques inclusives et signalisation du genre: quels choix ont été réalisés pour le présent numéro de Babylonia ». In Babylonia 3/21, 110 – 116.

2020. Loder Buechel, L., Lichtenauer, K. „Grading and Gathering Evidence in Swiss Elementary and Lower Secondary School English Language Classrooms“. In: Mickan, P. & Wallace, I. (Hrsg.). Handbook of Language Education Curriculum DesignNew York : Routledge.

2018. Chételat, D., Lichtenauer, K. „Le Concept général pour l’enseignement des langues en Suisse, impact d’un rapport d’expert sur les politiques éducatives relatives à l’enseignement des langues étrangères (langues nationales et anglais)“. In Babylonia 3/2018, 30 – 33. 

2017. „Compréhension entre communautés linguistiques : textes fondamentaux et mise en œuvre“. In Enjeux pédagogiques 27, Bienne : Haute Ecole Pédagogique HEP-BEJUNE, 13 – 14. 

2015. De Pietro, J.-F., Gerber, B., Leonforte, B. & Lichtenauer, K. „Quelle place pour les approches plurielles 
dans les nouveaux plans d’études des trois régions linguistiques de la Suisse?“. In Babylonia 2/2015, 59 – 65.

Koordination & Herausgabe 

Pragmatique et enseignement des langues étrangères, Babylonia 1/26. Avec Anna Ghimenton & Elisabeth Peyer, en préparation.

Corpus d’élèves en langue étrangère / Korpora von Fremdsprachenlernenden, Babylonia 2/24. Avec Anita Thomas. Numéro :, Podcast CeDiLe : 

Vivre les langues au musée II / Sprachen im Museum erleben II, Babylonia 2/23. Avec Laura Loder Büchel.
Numéro :, Podcast CeDiLE: 

Vivre les langues au musée I / Sprachen im Museum erleben I, Babylonia 3/22. Avec Laura Loder Büchel 
Numéro :, Podcast CeDiLE : 

Project SMILE (Swiss Museums in Language Education). Avec Laura Loder Büchel. 
Page Internet : 

Lichtenauer, K. (Coord.), Chételat, D. (Coord.), Brohy, C., Chesini, C., Egli Cuenat, M., Gerber, B., Kappler, D., Klee, P., Loder-Büchel, L., Wirrer, M. (2017). Gute Praxis im Sprachenunterricht – Beispiele für den Unterricht der Landessprachen und des Englischen in der obligatorischen Schule. Mit der fachlichen bzw. regionalen Expertise von Bossart, M.-N., Brauchli, B., Egli Cuenat, M., Jörimann Vancheri, B., Kuster, W., Le Pape Racine, C., Manno, G., Nadig, S. Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK). [4.1.2018].

Project management

Emma Marsden (Université de York, GB), partenaire

The goal of the project is to study the influence of teaching materials found in a compulsory school textbook on the learning of two grammatical phenomena. Following an analysis of the way in which these two phenomena are presented in the textbook, an improved variant will be constructed using criteria associated with input quality.

A minority within the minority

Supporting heritage language speaking students in German vocabulary at Romansh schools
Project management
The canton of Grisons in Switzerland promotes the goal of Romansh-German bilingualism with unique school models in traditional Romansh-speaking areas. In those areas, the minority language Romansh is the school language in primary schools. At secondary school levels, however, school language is switched to the majority language German. Differences in contact with German outside of school settings lead to extremely heterogeneous class constellations during German lessons from the third...

Project management

(Cédric Diogo -06.22)

Digital translation tools and dictionaries have become an indispensable part of language use. DeepL, Leo and Co. are used extensively and for various purposes, however, their benefits for foreign language teaching and learning remain contested. Some consider these tools to be of educational value, while others express their doubts on the sustainability of their contribution to language learning. This project examines the advantages and limitations of digital translation aids with regards...

Project management

Cédric Diogo (-06.2022)

Vocabulary is the basis for receptive and productive language use. Influential theories on second language acquisition and learning consider vocabulary and grammar to be complementary, rather than opposing elements of language. Vocabulary is viewed as an integral component of learner grammars that is worth promoting and consolidating in the foreign language classroom. In recent years, digitialisation has seen the development of many learning apps and platforms that provide new opportunities...

Language exchange activities are widely viewed as a means of promoting language and intercultural competence and as a way to motivate students to learn a foreign language. Indeed,  recently, educational policy has strengthened its commitment to advance and intensify language exchange.

Immersion and bilingual education programmes in Switzerland

A critical literature review and bibliographic database
In Switzerland, language immersion and bilingual education programmes have been both promoted and in demand for quite some time. The topic has also been the focus of numerous scholarly studies that, however, are not always known or accessible. In addition, there is a degree of uncertainty about which findings can be compared or generalised. This project aims to collect existing scholarly literature and documentation and to analyse the information according to theme.

Competences in French as a foreign language in the Passepartout region

A systematic evaluation of current studies on the use of Mille feuilles und Clin d'oeil
Project management
The basis of this report, commissioned by the association BERNbilingue, is a systematic evaluation of current studies on French as a foreign language lessons at primary and secondary schools that use the Mille feuilles and Clin d'oeil learning materials. The report aims to compile findings on the following three questions: 1) How well do students in the Passepartout region master the basic competences and achieve the curriculum goals? 2) How do teachers rate the Mille feuilles/Clin d'oeil...