
Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (FFL) and Development of Oral Communication Skills at the Lower Secondary Level - DISCO

01.2025 - 12.2028
Competences, Didactics, Teaching

The development of oral communication and interaction (conversational involvement) is a key focus in foreign language teaching frameworks, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), documents from the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), and the Regional Education Plans. However, despite the efforts made in this field, the desired outcomes remain elusive. Foreign language instruction, particularly in French, has traditionally prioritized writing skills. Although contemporary pedagogical approaches theoretically focus more on oral skills, the teaching of oral communication continues to be influenced by methodologies used in the teaching of writing skills.

The primary objectives of this project are to investigate how oral communication is taught in FFL classrooms and to identify factors that hinder or enhance the effectiveness of the teaching methods used. Additionally, the project aims to highlight best practices that can be applied in this field.

This study will analyse the activities, materials and aids recommended for teaching oral expression by the FFL textbooks currently used in German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. It will also examine the pedagogical and linguistic approaches employed by schools and teachers. The project will utilize qualitative methodologies, specifically case studies, to analyse existing practices in approximately 20 to 40 lower secondary classes across four schools located in different cantons.

Purpose – Expected results

This project was initiated in response to several requests put forward during the Federal Office of Culture consultation in early 2024 relating to the assessment of didactic approaches such as plurilingualism, the integration of new teaching tools, the effectiveness of teaching methods, and actual skill levels acquired by students.

The project will produce an inventory of textbooks focusing on oral communication inputs and tasks, it will conduct a longitudinal study on the development of oral communication at the lower secondary level, and perform a qualitative study examining the impact of factors such as textbooks, teacher profiles, didactic approaches, and the sequence of foreign language acquisition. The project aims to contribute to the didactics of oral language teaching and will propose tasks and materials for use by teachers.