
About us

Preparation of the Research Programme 2025-2028

The research programme 2025-28 of the Research Centre on Multilingualism (ROM) is being prepared in conjunction with the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) and the ROM Support Group. The aim is a thematically balanced programme that addresses current needs and covers various areas.

As a first step, a survey will be conducted at the end of 2023 among stakeholders (administration, researchers, other interested parties) to find out which topics are considered particularly urgent. The results of the survey will help the ROM and the FOC to set priorities in the course of 2024 and to define the research topics for the 2025-28 programme.

A call for projects has been launched for some of the research topics identified in this way. Link to call for projects in German, French and Italian

Important dates:

  • 20.11.2023 – 29.1.2024: online survey
  • 1.5.2024: call for projects
  • 30.9.2024: deadline for submission of projects

Click here for an overview of the research projects carried out at the KFM since 2012. 

For questions and further information: Susanne Obermayer,, 026 305 61 73

Goals and activities

RCM conducts applied research to benefit the academic community, professional practice and public administration. RCM pursues the following research priorities:

  • Investigating how multilingualism in institutions and society impacts the political sphere, the economy and (public) administration, under consideration of social inequalities
  • Multilingual competence and simultaneous or consecutive language acquisition at different ages and in different sectors of the populations, including the migrant population
  • The relationship between language learning and pedagogical approaches in various target groups and learning contexts, with the focus on foreign languages learning in compulsory schooling and new approaches to foreign language education and multilingual didactics
  • Formal and informal testing of linguistic and cultural competences

Research projects at RCM pursue a wide range of objectives: establishing foundational knowledge or providing a basis for decisions; preparing synthesis reports on the state of research in selected areas; evaluating programmes and/or materials; or the research-based development of (teaching) materials. To realise these projects, RCM collaborates with research partners from all language regions in Switzerland.

To promote academic collaboration and exchange, RCM regularly invites researchers to talks and discussions and is active in professional associations.

RCM also provides services: the staff compile and document academic findings and materials on the topic of multilingualism, and are a point of contact for persons seeking information on multilingualism. RCM documentation is available online or available on site in the Library of foreign languages and multilingualism of the University of Fribourg.


RCM pursues its research activities in consultation with the Swiss Confederation, which finances the Centre on the basis of the Federal Languages Act. The individual research projects are specified in long-term performance agreements with the Federal Office of Culture.

RCM is supported by an advisory committee whose members are appointed by the Swiss government. The committee is made up of representatives from relevant federal offices and the Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education, and is charged with assessing RCM’s research programme. In addition, RCM is advised by an international academic advisory board that regularly evaluates the Centre’s research activities.

RCM is operated by the Institute of Multilingualism on the basis of a federal mandate.

RCM evaluations

RCM is advised by an international scientific advisory board which regularly evaluates the Centre’s  research activities and makes recommendations for its further development. The research partners of the RCM are involved in these evaluations.