
National Network

Because RCM places high value on partnerships and networks, cultivating collaboration is an important area of work at the Centre. In addition to joint projects, researchers are invited to present their work at RCM in talks, conferences or discussion panels. Another example of the Centre’s collaborative approach is the long-standing commitment to the journal Babylonia, which RCM supports both financially and in terms of content. To make work on multilingualism increasingly visible at higher education institutions, research institutes and associations, RCM provides a collection of links in its open-access database.

More information is available on this web page:

Event series

Since 2015, RCM has offered an annual event series dedicated to questions on multilingualism in the area of school and didactics. The aim is to encourage dialogue with researchers from other higher education institutions and to make the many different approaches to dealing with a specific topic visible.

The series is integrated into the “Foreign Language Didactics ” master's degree programme at the University of Fribourg, thus offering students a comprehensive look into current research into multilingualism at Swiss higher education institutions.

The event series may take the form of traditional talks or be designed as a panel discussion. 

The events are announced here and are available as videos (earlier events) and podcasts (more recent events) on the website of the Centre for Foreign Language Didactics (CeDiLE): Ringvorlesung – CeDiLE


RCM aims to make work on multilingualism more visible at higher education institutions, research institutes or associations, and its open-access database offers a collection of links to Swiss institutions that promote and research multilingualism.

The links as a “web guide” can be accessed via the RCM Web Portal.


The Centre for Foreign Language Didactics’ (CeDiLE) mission is to cultivate knowledge transfer between practitioners, researchers and educationalists. Located at the Institute of Multilingualism (University of Fribourg and Fribourg University of Teacher Education, Switzerland (HEP|PH FR)), CeDiLE provides a network for individuals and institutions that encourages the interdisciplinary advancement of innovation in the field of foreign language education.


Babylonia – Switzerland’s multilingual journal for language teaching and learning – is published three times per year. In addition, materials designed to support teachers directly in the classroom are issued in the rubric Teaching Tasters. The journal’s multicultural and multilingual focus makes it an important resource for professionals involved in language learning, teaching and didactics.

Babylonia is supported by the Association Babylonia Switzerland. In the interest of promoting dialogue, it features article on language learning, language didactics and multilingualism that address linguistic, cultural and political issues. Related objectives include creating networks of people and organisations involved in language learning and multilingualism; fostering understanding of language acquisition, language didactics and multilingualism among professionals and the general public; professional and intercultural dialogue in Switzerland’s language communities; professional dialogue across various disciplines dealing with language learning and multilingualism; strengthening collaboration between professional practice, teacher training and academia; and pursuing these aims in the scope of international partnerships.

The Research Centre on Multilingualism (RCM) has worked with Babylonia since 2011; it provides financial support as well as professional input. RCM staff publish regularly in Babylonia and edit individual issues.

In 2020, Babylonia was redesigned and updated: As of 2021, the journal is published in open access and free of charge.