
Immersion and content-oriented language teaching

Didactic sequences and insertion into primary school’s curriculum
Project management

Laurent Gajo, UNIGE


Gabriela Steffen, Ivana Vuksanović, Audrey Freytag (UNIGE)

This project aims at documenting and discussing the conditions for implementing bilingual teaching at primary school level based on two main issues:

Project management

Scientific partner: Sylvia Nadig PH Zug

This project aimed to gain empirical knowledge about how learners deal with multilingual teaching approaches in the foreign language classroom and to acquire a better understanding of the potential and the functioning of different types of multilingual teaching activities.

Innovative forms of assessment

In-depth study on competence-based assessment of receptive skills
Project management

(associated thesis project)

If the aim is to measure how well learners can actually use a foreign language, then competence-oriented testing with near-authentic tasks is the method of choice. There is, however, a need for renewal in the design of such test tasks, especially because real-world language use often uses electronic channels. Chat, Internet searches and the like are part of everyday life. In addition, computer-based testing has increasingly become the norm in recent years, especially in the field of...